Annual Women’s History Month Breakfast honors trailblazing architects

History Center highlights Ryan & Roberts, who defied obstacles in 1920s On March 9, the Orange County Regional History Center presents its fourth annual Women’s History Month Celebration with a breakfast honoring architects Ida Annah Ryan and Isabel Roberts, who overcame obstacles to create notable Central Florida buildings in the

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Mabel Norris Reese: Fearless Voice for Truth

Mabel Norris Reese began her life career in journalism in Akron, Ohio, where she first worked as a reporter for the Akron Times-Press and, from 1935 to 1941, as a reporter for the Akron Beacon-Journal. In 1947, she and her husband, Paul, bought the Mount Dora Topic newspaper.

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Little Sure Shot’s Snowbird Days: Annie Oakley in Central Florida

Like so many Midwesterners, Annie Oakley wintered in Florida, and despite her fascinating, globe-trotting personal history, two of the most “pivotal events of her life” happened in the Sunshine State. She was a part of our history, as Florida was of her’s.

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Inaugural Women’s History Breakfast Honors Mary McLeod Bethune

On March 12, the Orange County Regional History Center presents its inaugural Women’s History Month Breakfast with a program honoring Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955), the legendary Daytona Beach educator who is hailed as one of our nation’s most powerful advocates for civil rights and suffrage.

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Mary McLeod Bethune: Educator & Activist

Known during her lifetime as the “First Lady of Negro America,” Mary McLeod Bethune is remembered for her contributions as an educator and civil rights activist. Although the founding of Bethune-Cookman University is probably her most well-known accomplishment, it is one of many.

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