The History Center offers a variety of affordable and thoughtfully taught Scout merit badge workshops. Check below for available workshops in our 2024 – 2025 season.
Please review the required prerequisites for each class BEFORE signing up. Counselors can sign off on prerequisites at their discretion. Please call our Education Department at 407-836-8580 or email Ali Olejniczak for more information or with questions about how to satisfy prerequisite requirements.
Citizenship Series
The four badges in the Citizenship series are required to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. Each workshop is $30 per Scout and includes admission for one adult per Scout. Scouts younger than age 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Citizenship in Society
Click here for prerequisites
• Check back for future dates
No prerequisites
• Sold Out
Art Elective Badges
We offer a variety of elective merit badge workshops. These workshops are taught by History Center staff and focus on Central Florida history while meeting badge requirements. Scouts younger than age 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
What do an American Indian shelter, an artificial heart, and a computer circuit board have in common? Textiles!
Join us to learn what materials Florida’s earliest people used to create homes and clothing and how textiles have contributed to history’s timeline.
Cost: $25 per Scout (includes admission for one adult per Scout)
• March 22, 2025, 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Time to get your hands dirty!
Explore Florida’s artistic past and examine different ways sculpture has been used for creative expression throughout history. Best of all, Scouts will try out different methods to create sculptures of their own!
Cost: $35 per Scout (includes admission for one adult per Scout)
History Elective Badges
We offer a variety of other merit badge workshops. These workshops are taught by History Center staff and focus on Central Florida history while meeting badge requirements. Scouts younger than age 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
The United States is made up of a vast array of diverse people who have come from all over the world.
Understanding these various cultural backgrounds can help Scouts to live in harmony with others in our varied and increasingly multicultural society.
Cost: $25 per Scout (includes admission for one adult per Scout)
Thanks to a generous donation from the Central Florida Genealogical Society, these workshops will be offered at no cost to you.
February 16, 2025, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Refund Policy
Refunds are issued if the cancellation is requested at least three business days prior to the workshop date. An administrative fee of $5 will be deducted.
Refunds will not be issued if the order was placed more than six months before the date of the refund request.
Workshop registration may be rescheduled one time for a future date at no cost if space is available; if workshops are at maximum capacity, the refund policy applies.